While backlinks and keyword combinations are hugely important to SEO, it's just as important to make sure that your website is easy for search engines to index. Crawlers, or search engine robots, for example, can only accurately analyze your website if you use an XML sitemap and Robots.txt file in order to tell such crawlers how to behave on your website.
In like regard, crawlers tasked with assessing your website are denied from doing so if your urls return HTTP error codes. This being the case, part of our own website audit process involves getting under the hood of your website and making sure that search engines can see and discover as much about you as possible.
Thankfully, when we audit websites for SEO, we do so by analyzing and ranking your website in much the same way that any search engine would. We look at your page loading times, how responsive (mobile device ready) your website is, and whether or not the keyword combinations which you are using are ranking as well as they should be.
Last but not least, we will check the integrity of the backlinks which point back to your website, as well as other popularity and trust factors such as how easy it is for people to connect with you via social media.
Of course, a full SEO audit will include analysis of a broad range of other factors. However, the end result will always be a comprehensive SEO report which will highlight each and every area in which your website and overall SEO strategy need improving.
Would you like to discover why your website might not be ranking as highly as you believe it should be? If so, reach out to us today in order to schedule your own website audit. We’ll then
advise you how to improve your present SEO rankings and in doing so, your overall online popularity also.